Did have a slightly scary epiosode of bleeding which started on New Years Day and carried on for a couple of weeks. But after a scan (internal - not pleasant!) there doesn't appear to be anything major to worry about and it has stopped for now.
I weighed myself at Mum's place - have already put on 7 kilos - just hideous. All that sitting around and eating about 7 times a day in the first trimester. I went into my pregnancy pants very early this time and had to put away practically all of my regular clothes ages ago. There is no point in having all those items hanging in my wardrobe if I can't actually wear them.
I have done some shopping recently and bought some fabulous new tops and dresses to suit my growing figure. The rule this time around is no black. So far I've bought things in red, lime, silver, white and cream. Unfortunately practically everything I've chosen needs handwashing. One of the downsides of have a taste for expensive fabric.
Reuben's wedding took place on the 10th January. I wore the electric blue silk dress I wore to Aunty Rita's funeral. No one mentioned if they remembered it from the last time around. I coloured in the white spot in the front with blue colouring pencil and it did the job nicely.
As the wedding was at Mum and Dad's I was able to enjoy the day with Sophia running around and having a good time as well.
I think this baby is going to be much bigger that Sophia was at birth. I just hope the head it not too big!
I have felt movements very early on this time - from about 16 weeks.
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